
All optimization algorithms extend the Algorithm class. The typical use of an optimization algorithm begins by first creating a new instance of the algorithm. Then, run() is called to optimize the problem for a given number of function evaluations. Finally, the result is read from result. For example, optimizing the three-objective DTLZ2 problem with NSGA-II could be programmed as follows

from platypus.problems import DTLZ2
from platypus.algorithms import NSGAII

problem = DTLZ2(3)

algorithm = NSGAII(problem)

result = algorithm.result


The contents of the result is defined by each algorithm. Some algorithms may return a list of solutions, whereas others may return an Archive. Additionally, the result may include dominated or infeasible solutions. It is therefore good pratice to remove any dominated solutions by calling nondominated(result)`check for feasibility using :code:`solution.is_feasible.

The choice of optimization algorithm can greatly affect the solution quality both in terms of convergence and diversity, the required number of function evaluations to converge to quality solutions, and the types of problems they can solve. Some algorithms may only support real-valued or binary decision variables, for example.


class NSGAII(problem[, population_size[, generator[, selector[, variator]]]])

An instance of the Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) optimization algorithm. NSGA-II supports problems defined using Real, Binary, or Permutation types.

  • problem (Problem) – the problem definition
  • population_size (int) – the size of the population
  • generator (Generator) – the generator for initializing the population
  • selector (Selector) – the selector for selecting parents during recombination
  • variator (Variator) – the recombination operator


class NSGAIII(problem, divisions[, divisions_inner[, generator[, selector[, variator]]]])

An instance of the Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III (NSGA-III) optimization algorithm. NSGA-III extends NSGA-II to using reference points to handle many-objective problems. NSGA-III supports problems defined using Real, Binary, or Permutation types.

  • problem (Problem) – the problem definition
  • divisions (int) – the number of divisions when generating reference points
  • divisions_inner (int or None) – when specified, use the two-layered approach for generating reference points
  • generator (Generator) – the generator for initializing the population
  • selector (Selector) – the selector for selecting parents during recombination
  • variator (Variator) – the recombination operator


NSGA-III is designed for many-objective problems. Its use is discouraged on problems with one or two objectives.


class EpsMOEA(problem, epsilons[, population_size[, generator[, selector[, variator]]]])

An instance of the steady-state ε-MOEA optimization algorithm. ε-MOEA supports problems defined using Real, Binary, or Permutation types.

  • problem (Problem) – the problem definition
  • epsilons – the ε value used for ε-dominance
  • population_size – the size of the population
  • generator (Generator) – the generator for initializing the population
  • selector (Selector) – the selector for selecting parents during recombination
  • variator (Variator) – the recombination operator